How to Use of Possessive Pronouns [Mine, Ours, Yours, His, Hers, Theirs]
Use of Possessive Pronouns Mine, Ours, Yours, His, Hers, Theirs ke Basic points, Rules and Examples
Basic Points And Uses of Rules of Possessive Pronouns
निम्नलिखित Possessive Pronouns हैं ।
(1) Mine
(2) Ours
(3) Yours
(4) Hers
(5) His
Pronouns ke Possessive Pronouns
I Mine
We Ours
You Yours
He His
She Hers
They Theirs
Possessive Pronoun के साथ Noun जुड़ा नही रहता । अतः आप ऐसा नहीं लिखें ।
This is mine book. ( यह गलत है )
यह कलम मेरा है । This pen is mine.
वह घर हमारा था । That house was ours.
यह किताब तुम्हारा है । This book is yours.
Examples of Possessive Pronouns Mine, Ours, Yours, His, Hers and Theirs
Present के लिए
1. यह मेरा है । This is mine.
2. वह हमारा है । That is ours.
3. वह तुम्हारी है । That is yours.
4. यह उनलोगोंं का है । This is theirs.
6. ये मेरे हैं । These are mine.
7. वह तुम्हारा है । That is yours.
8. वह उनलोगो का है । That is theirs.
9. यह पुस्तक मेरी है । This book is mine.
11. यह मेरा नहीं है । This is not mine.
12. वह हमारा नहीं है । That is not ours.
13. वह तुम्हारी नहीं है । That is not yours.
14. यह उनलोगोंं का नहीं है । This is not theirs.
16. क्या यह मेरा नहीं है ? is this not mine ?
17. क्या ये उनलोगों का है ? Are these theirs ?
18. क्या यह उनलोगोंं का नहीं है ? is this not theirs ?
19. क्या यह किताब तुम्हारा है ? is this book yours ?
21. यह कैसे तुम्हारा है ? How is this yours ?
22. यह कैसे मेरा नहीं है ? How is this not mine ?
23. यह पुस्तक कैसे तुम्हारी है ? How is this book yours ?
24. ये कैसे उनलोगों का नहीं है ? How are these not theirs ?
25. ये कलमें कैसे हमलोगों का नहीं है ? How are these pens not ours ?
26. यह उसका था । This was his.
27. वह हमारा था । That was ours.
28. वह तुम्हारा था । That was yours.
29. यह उनलोगो का था । This was theirs.
31. वह मेरा था । That was mine.
32. ये उनलोगो के थें । These were theirs.
33. वह घर मेरा था । That house was mine.
34. वह पुस्तक उसकी थी । That book was hers.
36. वह हमलोगो का होगा । That will be ours.
37. वह बैल मेरा होगा । That ox will be mine.
38. यह घर उसका होगा । This house will be his.
39. ये गायेंं मेरी होगी । These cows will be mine.
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