Daily Use English Sentences SET-2 Best 100+ Sentences
Daily use English Sentences full details & list is here and it's 100+ very useful common examples,
Learn English Speaking fluently.# Step-1.
1. धीरे बोलो ।
Speak slowly.
2. धीमे बोलो ।
Speak softly.
3. ऊँचा बोला ।
Speak aloud.
4. आँख मत मारो ।
don't wink.
5. तेजी से बोलो ।
Speak quickly.
# Step-2.
6. जूते पहन लो ।
Put on the shoes.
7. जूते उतार लो ।
Take off the shoes.
8. दिल पे मत लो ।
don't take it to heart.
9. दिमाग से काम लो ।
use your brain.
10. बहाने मत बनाओ ।
don't make excuses.
# Step-3.
11. बारिश हो रही है ।
it's raining.
12. इशारा मत करो ।
don't gesture.
13. अंधेरा हो रहा है ।
it's getting dark.
14. अंधेरा हो रहा है ।
it's becoming dark.
15. मुझपर एहसान मत करो ।
don't favour me.
# Step-4.
16. मै डरा हुआ था ।
i was scared.
17. जाकर सो जाओ ।
Go and sleep.
18. राजू, वहाँ जाओ ।
Raju, go there.
19. रमेश, यहाँ आओ ।
Ramesh, come here.
20. रोटी कैसे बनायें ?
How to roll the chapati ?
Most Common Daily use English Sentences with Hindi meaning list is available here.
Learn English Speaking fluently.# Step-5.
21. वह हँसने लगी ।
She began to laugh.
22. राजू रोने लगा ।
Raju began to weep.
23. राम हाँफने लगा ।
Ram began to pant.
24. वे लोग दौड़ने लगे ।
They began to run.
25. तुम रोने लगते हो ।
you begin to weep.
26. वह मारने लगता है ।
He begins to beat.
# Step-6.
27. वह रोने लगेगा ।
He will begin to weep.
28. वह गाली देने लगा ।
He began to abuse.
29. मै जाने वाला ही था ।
i was about to go.
30. सीता काम करने लगी ।
Sita began to work.
31. सीता रोने ही वाली थी ।
Sita was about to weep.
32. जाड़े का दिन था ।
it was winter.
# Step-7.
33. वसंत का समय था ।
it was spring.
34. गर्मी का दिन था ।
it was summer.
35. आज सोमवार है ।
it's monday today.
36. आज बहुत गर्मी है ।
it's very hot today.
37. आज वर्षा हो सकती है ।
it may rain today.
38. वहाँ बहुत गर्मी पड़ती है ।
it's very hot over there.
Spoken English - Useful English Sentences for daily use for time related sentences.
Learn Time Related Sentences.# Step-8.
39. शाबास ।
well done.
40. मै सही हूँ ।
i am right.
41. सुबह है ।
it's morning.
42. सोमवार था ।
it was monday.
43. सुबह का समय है ।
it's morning.
# Step-9.
44. सोमवार दिन था ।
it was monday.
45. अभी सुबह है ।
it's morning now.
46. वर्षा हो रही है ।
it's raining.
47. बर्फ गिर रही है ।
it's snowing.
# Step-10.
48. ठनका ठनक रहा है ।
it's thundering.
49. ठनका ठनक रहा था ।
it was thundering.
50. जोर से वर्षा हो रही है ।
it's raining heavily.
51. रिमझिम वर्षा हो रही थी ।
it was drizzling.
52. जोर से हवा चल रही थी ।
it was blowing hard.
# Step-11.
53. आठ बजा है ।
it's eight o' clock.
54. क्या समय हुआ है ।
What is the time.
55. साढे आठ बजा है ।
it's half past eight.
56. पौने आठ बजा है ।
it's a quarter to eight.
57. सवा आठ बजा है ।
it's a quarter past eight.
58. आठ बजकर दस मिनट हुआ है ।
it's ten past eight.
59. आठ बजने मे आठ मिनट बाकी है ।
it's eight minutes to eight.
60. आठ बजकर तीन मिनट हुआ है ।
it's three minutes past eight.
Daily use English Sentences Conversation Sentences list is available here, How to improve english speaking.
Learn English Speaking fluently.# Step-12.
61. क्या हुआ ।
what happened.
62. तुम गलत हो ।
you are wrong.
63. समझ गये ।
understood/Got it.
64. मै कैसे दोषी हूँ ।
How am i guilty.
65. वहाँ क्या है ?
What is there ?
# Step-13.
66. भाड़ मे जाओ ।
Go to hell.
67. क्या खुशबू है ?
What a fragrance ?
68. तुम ऐसे क्यों हो ?
Why are you so ?
69. आज बेहद गर्मी है ।
it's very hot today.
70. कैसे हो भाई ?
How are you bro/brother.
# Step-14.
71. रमन मेरा भाई है ।
Raman is my brother.
72. वह मेरे पापा हैं ।
He is my dad/father.
73. मै तुमसे प्यार करता हूँ ।
i love you.
74. मै तुमसे नफरत करता हूँ ।
i hate you.
75. क्या तुम मुझे पसंद करते हो ?
Do you like me.
# Step-15.
76. मैने खाया है ।
i have eaten.
77. मै खा चुका हूँ ।
i have eaten.
78. उसने नहीं खाया ।
He didn't eat.
79. मै अपने घर मे हूँ ।
i am in my house.
80. झूठ बोलना पाप है ।
telling a lie is a sin.
81. सूर्य अस्त नहीं हुआ है ।
The sun has not set.
82. अंग्रेजी सीखना आसान है ।
Learning english is easy.
Short and long English speaking sentences with hindi meaning, english speaking practice set.
Learn English Speaking fluently.# Step-16.
83. कोई बात नहीं ।
no problem.
84. मै डरा हुआ था ।
i was scared.
85. कल मिलेंगे ।
See you tomorrow.
86. तुम कैसे जाओगे ?
How will you go ?
87. जरा मै तैयार हो लूँ ।
Let me get ready.
# Step-17.
88. मै पटना गया था ।
i went to patna.
89. तुम कहाँ गये थे ?
Where did you go ?
90. मै कोचिंग गया था ।
i went to coaching.
91. क्या तुम उसे पहचानते हो ?
Do you recognize him ?
92. वह मुझे बेवकूफ बना रही है ।
She is making me fool.
# Step-18.
93. वह पढने गया है ।
He has gone to read.
94. वे लोग कहाँ गए हैं ?
Where have they gone ?
95. आपने क्या किया है ?
What have you done ?
96. तुम क्या पढ रहे हो ?
What are you reading ?
97. तुमने ऐसा क्यों किया है ?
Why have you done so ?
# Step-19.
98. यह तुम्हारा नहीं है ।
This is not yours.
99. जाने की जरूरत नहीं है ।
There is no need to go.
100. मै जनवरी मे पैदा हुआ था ।
i was born in January.
101. वहाँ कितने लोग हैं ?
How many people are there ?
102. तुम मेरे करीबी दोस्त हो ।
you are my close friend.
# Step-20.
103. मोबाइल टेबल पर रखा हुआ है ।
Mobile is kept on the table.
104. वहाँ कितने लोग थें ?
How many people were there ?
105. मै सिर्फ तुम्हारे लिए जिन्दा हूँ ।
i am alive only for you.
106. तुम्हारे पास कितना पैसा है ।
How much money do you have.
107. क्या तुम्हारे पास एक कलम है ?
Do you have a pen ?
108. मेरे लिए एक ग्लास पानी लाओ ।
Bring a glass of water for me.
यदि आप पिछले या फिर आगे के Daily Use English Sentence वाले पोस्ट को पढना चाहते हैं तो नीचे link दिए गए हैं ।