Daily Use English Sentences SET-3 Common 100+ Sentences
Daily use english sentences ki puri jankari with proper hindi meaning & it's 100+ best common examples is here.
# Step-1.
1. इधर देखो ।
look here
2. उधर देखो ।
look there
3. फिर आना ।
Come again
4. ध्यान रखना ।
Take care
5. सामने देखो ।
look ahead
6. सावधान रहें ।
Be careful
# Step-2.
7. जाने भी दो ।
Let it be.
8. इसे कम करो ।
Reduce it.
9. वहाँ कौन है ?
Who is there.
10. सुधर जाओ ।
Mend your ways.
11. मेरा सिर मत खाओ ।
don't nag me.
# Step-3.
12. इसे फिर पढो ।
Read it again.
13. मुझे पता नहीं है ।
i have no idea.
14. अंदर इंतजार करो ।
wait inside.
15. बाहर इंतजार करो ।
wait outside.
16. भगवान की कृपा से !
By God's grace !
# Step-4.
17. मुझे देखने दो ।
Let me see.
18. मै जल्दी मे हूँ ।
i am in a hurry.
19. कोशिश करते रहो ।
keep trying.
20. यहाँ से चले जाओ ।
Go from here.
21. आप मेरी उम्र के हो ।
you are my age.
22. वह खेल रहा है ।
He is playing.
Daily english speaking sentences ki puri jankari hindi & english me & it's common examples is here.
Learn English Speaking Everyday.# Step-5.
23. क्या यह आपका है ?
is it yours ?
24. मैने फिर कोशिश की ।
i tried again.
25. इसको फिर से चेक करो !
Check it again !
26. मैने बार बार कोशिश की ।
i tried again and again.
27. उसे क्या पसंद है ?
What does he/she like ?
# Step-6.
28. मुझे फिर से दिखाओ ।
Show me again.
29. इसका क्या मतलब है ।
What does it mean.
30. तुम्हारा क्या मतलब है ।
what do you mean.
31. मेरा ये मतलब नहीं था ।
i didn't mean it.
32. मै पूरी कोशिश करूंगा ।
i will try my best.
# Step-7.
33. भरोसा रखो ।
Rest assured.
34. जैसा आप चाहो ।
as your wish.
35. जैसा तुम्हें ठीक लगे ।
as you like.
36. मै तुम्हारी तरफ हूँ ।
i am on your side.
37. कौन कौन है वहाँ ?
Who all are there ?
38. मुझे धमकी मत दो ।
don't threaten me.
# Step-8.
39. आराम से ।
take it easy.
40. घबराओ मत ।
don't panic.
41. तुम घमंडी हो ।
you are egoistic.
42. वह तुतलाता है ।
He babbles.
43. कोई परेशानी है ।
Any problem.
44. कुल्ला कर लो ।
Rinse your mouth.
Daily use english sentences with hindi meaning - Learn useful sentences for daily use.
Learn English Speaking Everyday.# Step-9.
45. तुमने क्या किया ?
What did you do ?
46. उल्टे जवाब मत दो ।
don't talk back.
47. तुम लंगड़ा क्यों रहे हो ?
Why are you limping ?
48. क्या कहा तुमने ?
What did you say ?
49. चाय को गर्म कर दो ।
Heat up the tea.
# Step-10.
50. यह मेरी गलती नहीं है ।
it's not my fault.
51. कुछ भी हो सकता है ।
anything could happen.
52. वह घर पर हो सकता है ।
He could be at home.
53. ये हुई न बात ।
that's the spirit !
54. जल्दबाजी मत करो ।
don't be hasty.
# Step-11.
55. उसने मुझे धोखा दिया ।
He cheated me.
56. शुरुआत तुमने की थी ।
you had started.
57. मै उसे नहीं छोड़ूँगा ।
i will not spare him.
58. मुझे चोट लग गयी है ।
i have gat hurt.
59. यह मेरी गलती नहीं है ।
it's not my fault.
60. ज्यादा भाव मत खाओ ।
don't act so pricey.
# Step-12.
61. यह सब तुम्हारी करतूत है ।
it's all your doing.
62. उसके जिम्मेदार तुम हो ।
you are responsible for that.
63. तुम कब उठते हो ?
When do you get up ?
64. तुम कितना कमाते हो ?
How much do you earn ?
65. इसकी किमत कितनी है ?
How much does this cost ?
66. तुम क्या ढूंढ रहे हो ?
What are you looking for ?
Everyday use english sentences conversation - Learn everyday english for speaking.
Learn English Speaking Everyday.# Step-13.
69. वह मनहूस है ।
He/she is jinx.
70. कहीं नजर न लगे ।
touch wood.
67. वह लगभग 5 फुट लंबा है ।
He is about 5 feet tall.
68. अपनी जिंदगी बर्बाद मत करो ।
don't spoil your life.
71. ऐसा कभी सोचना भी मत ।
don't even think so.
# Step-14.
74. वह डरा हुआ है ।
He is frightened.
75. बिजली चली गयी ।
The power has gone off.
76. क्या फर्क पड़ता है ?
How does it matter ?
72. मुझे हल्के मे मत लेना ।
don't underestimate me.
73. तुम्हें जो करना है करो ।
do whatever you want to do.
# Step-15.
79. मेरा हो गया ।
i am done.
80. वह जूठा ग्लास है ।
That is used glass.
81. कितना बेवकूफ है वह !
How foolish he is !
82. वह बहुत बेसुरा गाता है ।
He sings very tunelessly.
77. अपने नाखून मत चबाओ ।
don't bite your nails.
78. अपना मोबाइल चार्ज कर लो ।
Charge your mobile.
# Step-16.
83. वह देखने मे कैसा था ।
How did he look a like.
84. वह बड़ा नेक दिल है ।
He is highly good natured.
85. भाड़ मे गया तेरा पैसा ।
to hell your money.
86. आप समझते क्या हैं मुझे ?
What do you think i am ?
87. तुम्हारी बातो मे दम है ।
your words have weight.
88. वह गिरते गिरते बचा ।
He narrowly escaped falling.
Learn English Speaking Everyday
# Step-17.
89. सोच समझ कर बोलो ।
Think before you speak.
90. मुझे क्या करना चाहिए ?
What should i do ?
91. मै अपनी गलती मानता हूँ ।
i admit my mistake.
92. कल मेरा जन्मदिन है ।
tomorrow is my birthday.
93. मै जल्द ही वापस आऊंगा ।
i will be back soon.
94. मै तुम्हारी तारीफ कर रहा था ।
i was admiring you.
# Step-18.
95. और कुछ चाहिए तुम्हें ?
do you want anything else ?
96. मै परीक्षा मे पास हो गया ।
i have passed the examination.
97. मैने परीक्षा पास कर ली ।
i have passed the examination.
98. क्या तुम कभी मुंबई गए हो ?
Have you ever been to mumbai ?
99. यह सड़क कहाँ जाती है ?
Where does this road go to ?
100. यह रास्ता कहाँ जाता है ?
Where does this road go to ?
# Step-19.
101. तुम इससे बच नहीं सकते ।
you can't escape from this.
102. अब बात को ज्यादा बढाओ मत ।
don't stretch the matter further.
103. मुझे शर्मिंदा मत कीजिए ।
please don't embarrass me.
104. उससे पुछने का कोई फायदा नहीं है ।
it's no use to ask him.
105. वहाँ जाने का कोई फायदा नहीं है ।
it's no use to go there.
# Step-20.
106. जो हो गया सो हो गया ।
Let bygones be bygones.
107. यह तुम्हारे लिए अच्छा होगा ।
it will be better for you.
108. यह तुमने जानबूझकर किया ।
you did it intentionally / deliberately.
109. तुम अपने आप को समझते क्या हो ?
What do you think of yourself ?
110. उसे जहाँ जाना है जाने दो ?
Let him go whatever he wants to go ?
111. झूठी आँसू मत बहाओ ।
don't shed crocodile tears.
112. मुझसे बुरा कोई नहीं होगा ।
No one will be worse than me.
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