Daily Use English Sentences SET-1 Useful 100+ Sentences
1. Vocabulary
2. Daily Use Words
3. Phrase And idioms etc
4. Verb forms ( v1,v2,v3,v4,v5 )
ये चारो English speaking की रीड है । और इसके बिना fluent English बोलना बहुत ही कठिन है ।
इसलिए यदि आपको English speaking improve करना है तो इन्हें आप Daily basic पर थोड़ा थोड़ा अवश्य याद करें ।
Daily Use English Sentences with hindi meaning list & 100+ English Sentences used in daily life with hindi meaning.
# Step 1.
1. यह सच है ।
it is true.
2. यह झूठ है ।
it is a lie.
3. यह सही है ।
it/this is right.
4. यह गलत है ।
it/this is wrong.
5. समझ गये ।
Got it/understood.
# Step 2.
6. मुझे जाना है ।
i have to go.
7. वो क्या है ?
What is that ?
8. मै जाने वाला हूँ ।
i am to go.
9. क्या तुम जाने वाले हो ?
Are you to go ?
10. रोहित कब जाने वाला है ?
When is Rohit to go ?
# Step 3.
11. मै नहीं मानता ।
i don't believe.
12. क्या हुआ ?
What happened ?
13. क्या हो रहा है ?
What's happening
14. क्या बात है ?
What is the matter ?
15. तुम क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are you doing ?
# Step 4.
16. मै अपने घर मे हूँ ।
i am in my house.
17. मै क्लास मे बैठा हूँ ।
i am sitting in the class.
18. तुम क्या सोच रहे हो ?
What are you thinking ?
19. क्या मै अंदर आ सकता हूँ ?
May i come in ?
20. अब मै कुछ बोलूँ ।
May i say something now.
Daily Use English Sentences with hindi meaning list & details & it's 100 useful sentences who used in daily life.
Learn 100 english sentences used in daily life.# Step 5.
21. कौन है ?
Who is it ?
22. वहाँ कौन है ?
Who is there ?
23. कौन है वो ?
Who is that ?
24. यह कौन है ?
Who is this ?
25. मै कौन हूँ ?
Who am i ?
# Step 6.
26. मै कौन हूँ ?
Who i am ?
27. तुम कौन हो ?
Who are you ?
28. मै राकेश हूँ ।
i am Rakesh.
29. कोई है क्या ?
is someone there ?
30. आप कब आयें ?
When did you come ?
# Step 7.
31. वहाँ कुछ नहीं था ।
nothing was there.
32. यह किसके लिए है ?
Who is it for ?
33. क्या आप मुझे जानते हैं ?
Do you know me ?
34. हाँ, मै आपको जानता हूँ ।
Yes, i know you.
35. नहीं, मै आपको नहीं जानता हूँ ।
No, i don't know you.
# Step 8.
36. मै पढ रहा हूँ ।
i am reading.
37. मै कोशिश कर रहा हूँ ।
i am trying.
38. मै अवश्य कोशिश करूँगा ।
i will try.
39. वह नहा रहा है ।
He is taking a bath.
40. मै बाजार जा रहा हूँ ।
i am going to market.
Daily use sentences hindi to english & english to hindi meaning & it's 100+ Best examples who used in daily life.
Learn common english sentences used in daily life.# Step 9.
41. बैठ जाओ ।
Sit down.
42. खड़े हो जाओ ।
Stand up.
43. जल्दी करो !
Hurry up !
44. शर्माओ मत ।
don't be shy.
45. उसे मत देखो ।
don't look at him.
# Step 10.
46. चालाक मत बनो ।
don't be smart.
47. जिद मत करो ।
don't be stubborn.
48. झगड़ा मत करो ।
don't fight.
49. झूठ मत बोलो ।
don't tell a lie.
50. उसे गाली मत दो ।
don't abuse him.
# Step 11.
51. मेरे साथ चलो ।
Come with me.
52. मुद्दे पर आइए ।
Come to the point.
53. हल्ला मत करो ।
don't make a noise.
54. झगड़ा मत करो ।
don't make a quarrel.
55. बकवास मत करो ।
don't talk nonsense.
# Step 12.
56. तुम कायर हो ।
You are coward.
57. तुम डरपोक हो ।
you are coward.
58. यहाँ से चले जाओ ।
Go away from here.
59. तुम्हारी हिम्मत कैसे हुई !
How dare you !
60. आज वर्षा हो सकती है ।
it may rain today.
Frequently used english sentences in daily life And it's 100+ common english sentences used in daily life.
Learn Frequently use 100+ english sentences for daily use.# Step 13.
61. मुझे नहीं पता ।
i don't know.
62. आज छुट्टी है ।
Today is holiday.
63. फोन आ रहा है ।
the phone is ringing.
64. मै उसके बाद पहुँचा ।
i reached after him.
65. मुझे गुस्सा मत दिलाओ ।
don't make me angry.
# Step 14.
66. तुम क्या चाहते हो ?
What do you want ?
67. भारत मैच जीत गया ।
india won the match.
68. मै बैंक मे काम करता हूँ ।
i work in a bank.
69. एक ग्लास पानी लाओ ?
Bring a glass of water ?
70. तुम खड़े क्यों हो ?
Why are you standing ?
# Step 15.
71. जल्दी ठीक हो जाइए ।
Get well soon.
72. जाने की जरूरत नहीं है ।
There is no need to go.
73. कृपया करके धीरे बोलिए ।
Please speak slowly.
74. वह तुम्हारे जैसी दिखती है ।
She looks like you.
75. हमलोग कोचिंग जा रहे हैं ।
We are going to coaching.
# Step 16.
76. आपसे ये उम्मीद नहीं थी ।
i didn't expect it from you.
77. तुम कहाँ से आए हो ?
Where have you come from ?
78. आप मुझसे नाराज हैं क्या ?
Are you annoyed with me ?
79. क्या आप मुझसे क्रोधित हैं ?
Are you angry with me ?
80. उस टेबल पर क्या है ?
What is there on that table ?
Spoken english sentences everyday with hindi meaning list & it's 100+ english speaking sentences used in daily life.
# Step 17.
81. झुको मत ।
Don't bend.
82. क्या तुमने कोशिश की ?
Did you try ?
83. अपनी आदतें सुधारो ।
Mend your ways.
84. वह सोया हुआ था ।
He was asleep.
85. मुझे तुम पर गर्व है ।
i am proud of you.
# Step 18.
86. हिसाब साफ़ रखो |
Keep the accounts clear.
87. मेरे पास नकद रुपया नहीं है ।
i don't have any cash.
88. इसमें खास बात क्या है ?
What's so special in it ?
89. मैने यह बात नहीं कहीं ।
i didn't make this remark.
90. अब आपकी तबीयत कैसी है ?
How are you now ?
# Step 19.
91. मुझसे कौन मिलना चाहता है ?
Who wants to meet me ?
92. तुम कल कहाँ जाओगी ?
Where will you go tomorrow ?
93. क्या तुम्हारे पास मोबाइल है ?
Do you have a mobile ?
94. मै तुम्हें कल फोन करूँगा ।
i shall/will call you tomorrow.
95. आपको सुबह मे टहलना चाहिए ।
You should walk in the morning.
# Step 20.
96. मै तुमसे कुछ पुछ रहा हूँ ।
i am asking you something.
97. मामला बिगड़ गया है ।
The matter has become serious.
98. क्या तुम कुछ बोलना चाहते हो ?
Do you want to say something ?
99. मै कल से काम करूँगा ।
i shall/will work from tomorrow.
100. मै सुबह से पढ रहा हूँ ।
i have been Studying since morning.
101. मै सुबह से काम कर रहा हूँ ।
i have been working since morning.
Hindi to english sentences practice for speaking in daily life & daily use english conversation 100+ useful sentences.
Learn useful sentence for speaking english in daily life.
# Step 21.
102. मै भी कोई ऐसा वैसा नहीं हूँ ।
i am not riff-raff.
103. हम भी कोई ऐसा वैसा नहीं हैं ।
We are not riff-raff.
104. वह भी कोई ऐसा वैसा नहीं है ।
He is not riff-raff.
105. वह कोई ऐरा गैरा नहीं हूँ ।
He is not dick and herry.
106. मै कोई ऐरा गैरा नहीं हूँ ।
i am not dick and herry
107. उसका कोई भरोसा नहीं ।
He is not reliable.
108. मेरा कोई भरोसा नहीं ( है ) ।
i am not reliable.
109. इसमें मेरा क्या कसूर है ?
What is my fault in it ?
110. इसमें तुम्हारा क्या कसूर है ?
What is your fault in it ?
111. वह तो बड़ा ही लीचड़ ( आदमी ) है ।
He is very sluggish.
# Step 23.
112. तुम बेकार की बातें मत करो ।
Don't talk nonsense.
113. ये उनका आपसी मामला है ।
It is their mutual decision.
114. क्या ये तुम्हारा आखरी फैसला है ?
Is this your final decision ?
115. ये मेरी आखरी चेतावनी है तुम्हें ।
This is my final warning to you.
116. बहुत खुश लग रहे हो, क्या बात है ?
You are looking very happy, what is the matter ?
English Words And it's Short form List.
Note : Spoken English या English Speaking मे हमेशा Word के "Short form" का प्रयोग किया जाता है ।
English speaking मे इन्हीं short form का प्रयोग किया जाता है । आप इन सभी short form को अवश्य याद कर लें, ये आपकी English speaking में काफी help करेगा ।
Note : ऊपर सभी Sentences में Long form का प्रयोग आपकी सुबिधा के लिए किया गया है ताकि आपको आसानी से समझ में आ सके ।
Words Short Words Short
i am I'm We are We're
i was i's We have We've
i will i'll We had We'd
i have i've We will We'll
i had i'd He is He's
Words Short Words Short
You are You're He was He's
You have You've He has He's
You had You'd He had He'd
You will You'll He will He'll
Words Short Words Short
She is She's It is it's
She was She's It was it's
She has She's It has it's
She had She'd It had it'd
She will She'll It will it'll
Words Short Words Short
They are they're They had They'd
They have they've They will they'll
What is What's Let us let's
Who is Who's That is That's
Negative Words & it's Short form.
Words Short Words Short
Is not isn't Are not Aren't
Was not Wasn't Were not Weren't
Have not Haven't Has not Hasn't
Had not Hadn't
Words Short Words Short
Shall not Shan't Will not Won't
Do not Don't Does not Does't
Did not Didn't Used not usedn't
Can not Can't Could not Couldn't
Should not Shouldn't Would not Wouldn't
Words Short Words Short
May not mayn't Might not mightn't
Must not mustn't Ought not oughtn't
Need not needn't Dare not daren't