Daily Use English Sentences SET-4 Most Common 101+ Sentences
Daily Use English sentences full details & list is here & it's 100+ best common Examples.
This article is all about daily use English sentences with meaning in Hindi.# Step-1.
1. मुझे जाना है ।
i have to go.
2. उसे जाना है ।
He has to go.
3. तुम्हें जाना है ।
You have to go.
4. उसे क्यों जाना पड़ा ?
Why had he to go ?
5. मुझे बाजार जाना है ।
i have to go to market.
6. मुझे पटना जाना पड़ेगा ।
i shall have to go to patna.
# Step-2.
7. ये मेरे हैं ।
These are mine.
8. वह मेरा था ।
That was mine.
9. मै जा रहा हूँ ।
i am going.
10. मै शिक्षक हूँ ।
i am a teacher.
11. वह किसान है ।
He is a farmer.
12. तुम क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are you doing ?
# Step-3.
13. पानी गंदा है ।
The water is dirty.
14. कुर्सी टूटी है ।
The chair is broken.
15. कलम कहा है ?
Where is pen ?
16. कलम मेज पर है
Pen is on the table.
17. जबान संभाल के ।
Mind your language.
18. मुझे धमकी मत दो ।
Don't threaten me.
19. क्या तुम पागल हो ।
Are you crazy/mad.
Basic short 100 Daily Use English Sentences, 100 English Sentences used in daily life.
20. पीछे हटो ।
Move back.
21. साइड हटो ।
Move aside.
22. जल्दी जाओ ।
go fast.
23. जल्दी आओ ।
Come fast.
24. जल्दी करो ।
hurry up/be quick.
25. तैयार हो जाओ ।
get ready/be ready.
# Step-5.
26. हे भगवान !
Oh god !
27. कोई और ?
anybody else ?
28. तुम जा सकते हो ।
you can go.
29. मेरी कसम खाओ
Swear by me
30. तुम कहाँ थे ?
Where were you ?
31. भगवान की कसम खाओ ।
Swear by god
# Step-6.
32. वापस जाओ ।
go back.
33. वापस आओ ।
Come back.
34. कौन जाने ।
Who knows.
35. किसे परवाह है
Who cares
36. गाड़ी रोको ।
Stop the car.
37. छिः छिः
How disgusting.
# Step-7.
38. ठीक है ।
all right/Okay.
39. मेरी बात सुनो ।
Listen to me.
40. रहने दो/जाने दो ।
Let it be.
41. मै यह जानता हूँ ।
i know it.
42. आज रविवार है ।
it's sunday today.
43. कुछ और/कोई और चीज ?
anything else ?
Daily conversation in English for Speaking and it's 100 Useful Sentences list.
Learn useful English Speaking sentences.# Step-8.
44. मुझे बताओ ।
tell me.
45. उससे पूछो ।
ask him.
46. उससे दोबारा पूछो ।
ask him again.
47. एक मिनट रूको ।
wait a minute.
48. मै क्या कर सकता हूँ ?
What can i do ?
# Step-9.
49. अभी आया ।
just coming.
50. बरबड़ाओ मत ।
Don't mutter.
51. गुस्सा मत हो ।
Don't get angry.
52. कानाफूसी मत करो ।
Don't whisper.
53. मेरे पास समय नहीं है ।
i have no time.
# Step-10.
54. यह अच्छी बात है ।
it's good thing.
55. यह अच्छी आदत है ।
it's good habit.
56. भगवान की कृपा से ।
by the grace of God.
57. वह तुम्हारा क्या लगता है ?
Who is he to you ?
58. क्या तुम उसे पहचानते हो ?
Do you recognize him ?
# Step-11.
59. जरा रूको ।
Hold on.
60. कोई बात नहीं ।
never mind.
61. डरो मत ।
Don't be scared.
62. हिचकिचाओ मत ।
Don't hesitate.
63. मुझे आप पर गर्व है ।
i am proud of you.
Frequently use English sentences in daily life & it's common 100+ examples.
Learn Frequently used English Sentences.# Step-12.
64. वहाँ कौन है ?
Who's there ?
65. देर मत रो ।
Don't be late.
66. जरा ठहरिये ।
please wait
67. जरा ठहरिये ।
just wait.
68. अंदर आइए ।
please come in.
69. जरा यहाँ आना ।
please come here.
# Step-13.
70. नल खोल दो ।
turn on the tab.
71. खाना लगा दो ।
serve the food.
72. नल बन्द कर दो ।
turn off the tab.
73. अपने बाल बना लो ।
Comb your hair.
74. आलू छील दो ।
peel off the potatoes.
75. ढक्कन खोल दो ।
Open the lid/cap/cover.
# Step-14.
76. एसी बन्द करो ।
Switch off the AC.
77. टी0 बी0 ऑन करो
Switch on the T.V.
78. फोन आ रहा है ।
The phone is ringing.
79. मशीन चलाओ ।
Operate the machine.
80. मशीन चालू करो ।
Switch on the machine.
# Step-15.
81. आप कितने साल के हैं ?
How old are you ?
82. मै पच्चीस साल का हूँ ।
i am 25.
83. मुझे भूख लगी है ।
i am feeling hungry.
84. तुम्हारा जन्म दिन कब है ?
When is your birthday ?
85. तुम वापस कब आ रहे हो ?
When are you coming back ?
Spoken English Sentences Everyday and List of English speaking conversation sentences.
Learn Daily use English Sentences# Step-16.
86. मुझे तुम्हारी जरूरत है ।
i need you.
87. मुझे पूरा विश्वास नहीं है ।
i am not sure.
88. मुझे तुम्हारी मदद की जरूरत है ।
i need your help.
89. क्या मै आपकी मदद कर सकता हूँ ?
May i help you ?
90. मै आपकी कैसे मदद कर सकता हूँ ?
How can i help you ?
# Step-17.
91. मैने तुम्हें दो बार बुलाया ।
i called you twice.
92. पर तुमने जवाब ही नहीं दिया ।
but you didn't reply.
93. ज्यादा हंसो मत ।
Don't laugh too much.
94. समझने की कोशिश करो ।
try to understand.
95. तुम्हें हो क्या गया है ?
What's wrong with you ?
96. मै कुछ कह रहा हूँ ।
i am saying something.
# Step-18.
97. हम रास्ता भूल गये ।
We have lost our way.
98. मुझे गुस्सा मत दिलाओ ।
Don't make me angry.
99. ज्यादा होशियार मत बनो ।
Don't be too smart.
100. क्या आप चाय लेंगे ?
Would you like some tea ?
101. ज्यादा होशियार बनने की कोशिश मत करो ।
Don't try to be too smart.
102. चुप रहो ! तुम कुछ नहीं जानते ।
Shut up ! You don't know anything.
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