Privacy Policy of teachask Platform
At Teachask (website and app) we understand the importance of you/user's privacy. Therefore Teachask does not distribute or sell personal information of its users. This privacy document will tell you what types of information are collected on Teachask , how they are used, and what your rights are.
1. What We Collect and Record
On any
other Websites and Teachask like Apps thy Browser transmitted
by certain information automatically collected.
These information are collected from each user visiting
Teachask . These information include IP (s) (Internet Protocol)
addresses, ISPs (Internet Service Providers), Devices, Operating Systems, Date
and Time, Browser (its type and versions) related information, visiting and
exit pages, Demographic Information etc. .
This information is used to develop Teachask and make it
more useful for users (ie you). Your personal information (your name,
address, date of birth, etc.) is not collected in these information.
When you comment on our site, contact through contact form, fill
our email newsletter form or send mail to our email address. So at that
time you send us your name, email address, mobile number, website / blog name.
Apart from this, the additional information you send about
yourself. We do not demand that from you. Therefore, you should not
send any information about yourself other than the information
sought. Until you ask for any additional information. If you do this,
then you will be responsible for it yourself.
2. How We Use This Information
Information provided by you through our Contact Form, Admission
Form, Comment, Email Subscription Form, Email, Website and App. We use
them to contact you. And from time to time, you send us information about
updates that occur in Teachask.
We do not share this information with anyone else. So you
can feel free to contact us. And whenever you want, you can ask for a copy of your information and
get it deleted too.
3. Cookies
is the site being preferred by the user visiting the site. What type of
notifications is he accessing. Cookies are used to collect
information. Apart from this, Webmasters also use them to personalize
and customize the webpages available
on the site according to the user. Their most important use is to
increase the user experience of the site.
visiting the site / later Google can use cookies in your browser to improve
search results and advertisements. So to control your privacy setting
on Google, you must read Google Privacy Policies .
4. Comment Policy
Comment (s) is a better way to remove doubts related to a
particular topic / topics published on the site. Therefore, like other
websites / blogs, we also welcome the comment.
every Comment made by you (User) applies our Comment Policy . Therefore,
you must read our Comment Policy before commenting.
5. Questions
If you
need any additional information related to the privacy policy of teachask
or have any questions / information for us, feel free to contact teachask .
Last Updated: 01-01-2021