Web Technologies - MCQs
1. The receives a stream of tokens from the parser and sorts them according to function. Ans: Event switcher
2. DOM stands for .
Ans: Document Object
3. SAX stands for . Ans: Simple API in XML
4. SAX and DOM are very different Where SAX models the parser,
DOM models the XML . Ans: Document
5. The main purpose of _ is
to add interactivity to the browser and Web pages. Ans: JavaScript
6. is a full-fledged object-oriented programming language
. Ans:
7. The is used to manipulate a stored piece
of text. Ans: String
8. The contains an array of previously
visited URLs by the visitor. Ans:
History Object
8. The represents an open window in a
browser. Ans: Window Object
10. is an API that can be used by web scripting languages like JavaScript, VBScript,
etc. Ans: HTTP requests
HTTP requests provide
a mechanism for transferring the data either in
text or XML format between the web client and the
webserver. (True/False)
Ans: True
12. The 'A' in AJAX stands for . Ans:
13. XMLHttpRequest object
property is used to
returns a reference to the constructor of an object. Ans: Constructor
14. XMLHttpRequest object
method abort is used to cancels the current HTTP request. (True/False) Ans: True
15. is used to sets or retrieves
the event handler for asynchronous requests.
Ans: Onreadystatechange
16. The argument in send method
is ignored if the request
method is . Ans:
17. Abort () method cancels
any network activity. (True/False) Ans:
18. attribute is used to return
the document response entity-body. Ans:
The responseXML
19. The attribute is used to return the text
response entity-body. Ans: responseText
20. AJAX stands for “ _.
Ans: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
21. uses a programming model with
display and events. Ans: AJAX
22. AJAX allows users to
continue interacting with a web pages while waiting for data to be returned. (True
/ False)
Ans: True
23. AJAX includes HTML and _
for presenting. Ans: CSS
Ajax component frameworks can enable more rapid development than direct Ajax frameworks, but with less
control. (True / False)
Ans: True
25. is a powerhouse of options
for the Ajax programmer. Ans: DHTML
26. DHTML allows the page author to in their document, independently moving each element from any starting point to any ending point.
Ans: Animate text and
27. is a formal specification
for arranging and styling items in web pages.
Ans: CSS
28. Variations in web browser
implementations, such as and Worldwide Web, made consistent site appearance difficult.
Ans: ViolaWWW
29. SSP stands for .
Ans: Stream-based style sheet proposal
30. A markup language is just a set of rules. (True
/ false) Ans:
31. provides a mechanism for transferring the data either in text or XML format between the web client and the webserver.
Ans: HTTPRequest
32. Using an external file, It is simpler to include a file. Ans:
33. The X in Ajax stands for . Ans: XML
34. In XML, we make up our own names. Ans:
35. Like HTML, XML elements
can contain other XML
element. (True/False) Ans: True
36. In the method a
node list containing all of a node's child nodes. Ans: ChildNodes()
37. method takes a single
parameter: the node to insert, and inserts that node after the last child node. Ans:
38. method takes two parameters: the attribute name and value. If the attribute already exists, it replaces it with the new
value. If it doesn't exist, it creates
Ans: SetAttribute()
39. The process of fetching data from an
XML files to be filled in an HTML table, using _ and _. Ans: DSO and
40. DSO allows data binding to
HTML table elements. (true/false) Ans: True
41. property holds an array that
contains all the child nodes of the document element Ans: ChildNodes()
42. PHP stands for
Ans: Hypertext Pre-processor
43. PHP is a scripting
language. Ans: Server-side
44. PHP scripts are always enclosed
in between _ PHP tags. Ans: Two
45. We must save our PHP file with a extension,
instead of the standard .html extension. Ans:
46. In a array, each element in the main
array can also be an array. Ans: Multidimensional
47. PHP variables must start
with a letter or underscore "_". (true/false) Ans: True
48. The function is used to collect values
from a form sent with method="post".
49. The function is used to collect values
from a form sent with method="get".
Ans: GET
50. To add more functionality to a function, we can add . Ans: Parameters
51. To make a communication between the client
and the server the client code needs
to create a so-called object. Ans:
52. PHP has similarities with
the JavaScript language used to control in functionality,
code layout, and ideology. Ans:
53. function which will change
the value of our second field. Ans:
54. can be used for interactive
communication with a database. Ans:
55. Database allows web applications to store information in a systematic way, and retrieve
that information later
through the use of the
structured query. (True/False)
Ans: True
56. To make a communication between the client
and the server the client code needs
to create a so-called object. Ans:
57. PHP has similarities with
the JavaScript language
used to control in functionality, code layout, and
ideology. Ans: AJAX
58. function which will change
the value of our second field. Ans: SetOutput()
Ajax, PHP, and Database make a great combination for producing Web-based
eCommerce applications. (True/false)
Ans: True
60. is used to request the
interface for Update or Insert of the records.
Ans: AjaxFunctionUpdateInseart()
61. is used to request the
deletion of the selected records. Ans: AjazFunctionDelete()
62. A is a separate application that stores a collection of
data. Ans: database
If a second call is made to mysql_connect() with the same arguments, no new connection will be established. (True/false)
Ans: True
64. MySQL supports over making it ideal for the education
industry in which
a wide variety of platforms
are used.
Ans: 20 platforms
MySQL works on many operating
systems and with many languages
including PHP, PERL, C, C++, JAVA etc. (True/false)
Ans: True
66. MySQL supports large databases, up to 50 million rows or more in a table. The default file size limit for a table is .
Ans: 4 GB
67. ASP stands for Ans: Active Server Page
ASP is Web pages that contain server-side scripts in addition
to the usual mixture of text and HTML tags.(True/false)
Ans: server-side script
69. variables are used to store
information about ALL users in one specific application. Ans: Application
70. Variables cannot contain
a . Ans: period
71. In ASP we declare a variable with the use of the keyword. Ans:
72. If the ASP appears on the page or the , something has gone wrong. Ans: Source of the
73. The checks if a condition is true before
each time that the code inside the loop is repeated. Ans: While loop
74. In condition is tested at the bottom instead of at the top
of the loop. Ans: Do loop
75. Response object
is used to send information to the user i.e. to the browser.
(true/false) Ans: true
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