
Methods Of Power System Planning


Methods Of Power System Planning

Methods Of Power System Planning

Methods Of Power System Planning
Methods Of Power System Planning

1. Short Term Planning

Its time period  varies from 0 to 2 years.

  1. Developing new connection for distribution consumers
  2. Initiatives for improving  of existing power plants
  3. Maximum utilization of existing power plants 
  4. Placement of capacitor in HT and LT substations
  5. Reducing the large number of supply voltage levels
  6. Proper and economic use of available generating capacity
  7. Availability of adequate spinning reserve
  8. Calculation of the amount of power that can be sold or buy
  9. Selection of proper actions in case of contingencies.

In short term planning short fall of existing system is located. It involves finding of overloaded primary feeder, damaged and un-operated switch gears. Sometimes variation in growth rate of load is also calculated.

In short terms planning following tasks are performed.

✓ Choosing proper cable size for transmission and distribution of power.

✓ Planning and locating site for placement of distributed generators.

✓ Planning of co-generation for reactive power support.

✓ Performing unit commitment.

✓ Carrying out economic load dispatch.

✓ Using power system operation and control.

✓ Development of distribution network.

✓ Zone mapping for locating losses in the transmission and distribution network.

✓ Calculation of bidding price for electrical power which is the first step for proper and economic use of electricity.

✓ Network modelling and simulations of power system.

In network modelling and simulation following model are done :

  1. Linear disjunctive done
  2. Power transportation model
  3. DC model
  4. Hybrid model

Main factors affecting short term planning are:

  1. Difference and variation in weather and seasons.
  2. Domestic and economic development of customers.
  3. Air conditioning.
  4. Street lighting
  5. Population growth.
  6. Change and use of technology

2. Medium Term Planning

Its time period varies from 2 to 5 years.

Its main aims are
  1. Reduction of transmission and distribution losses
  2. Development short time generation power plant
  3. Energy conservation
  4. Load management
  5. Restructuring of rural electricity system for ensuring reliable power supply to the rural areas.
  6. Component maintenance scheduling.
  7. Assessment of deviations from proposed schedules.
  8. Checking of transmission transfer capabilities.
  9. Management of energy sales and purchases.
  10. Availability of hydraulic energy.

In medium term planning following main task are performed:

✓Developing interconnections between the transmission network and grids.

✓Development of transmission network for supply of power.

✓Locating fuels and its applications.

Increase in use of renewable energy sources as they provide zero variable generation cost.

✓Development of co-generation power plants e.g. In sugar factories, during process of sugar, it produces molasses which can be used for generation of power as a bio-diesel.

✓Development of distributed generation plants.

✓Development of contract agreement (short term) with other utilities for supply of power.

✓In contracts following points are considered.

3. Long Term Planning

Its time period varies from 5 to 10 years sometimes even larger.

Its main aims are

  1. Development of interstate grid.
  2. Reducing environmental issues for development of newer power plant.
  3. Resource availability like land, equipment, constructional material etc.
  4. Attracting, resolving and increasing private participation in electrical sector for power generation, transmission and distribution etc.
  5. Re-commissioning of generating units.
  6. Development of fuel contracts.
  7. Assessment of long-term sales and purchases.
  8. Assessment of energy security policies.

In long term planning following tasks are performs:

✓ Generation capacity investments.

✓ Development of contract agreements (long term) with other utilities for supply of power.

In contrast following points are considered.

✓ Emission allowances.

✓Development of electricity grid for power transmissions.

✓ Generation resource planning.

✓ Transmission resource planning.

✓ Development of transmission network.

✓ It is used for providing reactive power support.

✓It provides non discriminatory and viable competitive electricity market.

For carrying out optimization of power flow using methods like:
  1. 1) Genetic algorithms method.
  2. 2) Tabu search method.
  3. 3) Adoptive control method.
  4. 4) Artificial neural network method.
  5. 5) Monte carlo simulation (MCS) method.

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