Generation Planning: Objectives And Factors Affecting
Generation Planning Objectives and Factors Affecting
Q. Explain objectives and factors affecting generation planning.
- Objectives of the Generation Planning
- Factors affecting of the generation planning
Objectives Of Generation Planning
(1) Quality and reliable power supply at reasonable cost
(3) Cash flow should be large - earning (profit) should be large.
(4) Fuel diversity (demand) is small as for as possible.
(5) Tariff impact should be small -price energy.
(6) Socio-Economic development of Nation, state, Individual.
(7) Future energy source development
(8) To create new job opportunity
(9) To meet consumer satisfaction, good service culture, technical excellence - GIS, equipments.
(10) Energy conservation and load management.
(11) Adaption of non-conventional energy sources particularly for rural areas.
(12) Improving the performance of existing power plant (maximum utilisation)
(13) Power sharing performance improvement
(14) Reducing the number of system voltage level.
Factors Affecting Of The Generation Planning
(1) Selection of generating station plant
- (a) Hydra
- (b) Nuclear
- (c) Thermal (Conventional coal)
- (d) Oil
- (e) Gas
- (f) Wind
- (g) Solar
- (h) Tidal
- (i) Small hydro power
- (j) Geothermal
- (k) Biomass etc.
If thermal power plant is selected then it should be near to the coal mines. On same basis if solar power plant is selected then sun light should be available for entire year
(3) Selection of existing plant for life extension or renovation, modernization, up rating. Here place another generation unit in existing plant to increase the power capacity. Then carry on the maintenance regulatory. Old equipment's should be replaced by newer equipment to increase the capacity of the existing plant & life of the existing power plant. c.g. Enron Dhabhol power plant.
(4) Selection of steps for developing strong national grid - NLDC, SLDC to transfer large amount of power.
(5) Selection of steps to be taken for reduction in transmission and distribution losses conductor which can be achieved by taking proper types of conductors having lower value of resistances.
(6) Fuel cost : It affect the generation of power plant who are requiring fuels like oil, gas, radioactive materials. Here steps should be taken that fuels are to be available at least cost. Oil can be imported from countries who offers lest cost fuel like oil and gas from gulf countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq.
(8) Load growth: It depends on demographic and various other factors like:
- (a) Employment
- (b) Social - Economic development
- (c) Family structure
- (d) Business indicators etc.
(9) Availability and cost of finance: Ample amount of finance should be available at lower rate of Interest. Tedious paper work should not be necessary and should be cut out.
(10) Environment uncertainty : It affect those power plants having fuel requirement depends on environment like water in case of hydro power plant which is available during rainy seasons. In solar power plant light is available more in summer season as compared to other season, wind etc.
(12) Pollution abatements, legislation and costs pollutant volume : We should use polluter pay principal here company pays to the government depending on the pollutants emission level.
(13) Unit reliability : It depends on the age of unit, maintenance of unit and faulty material used during construction of unit.
(14) Unit maintenance schedules: They are depends on the load pattern and magnitude of load demand .
(15) Reliable and quality supply availability, B.D. of equipment load variation, frequency, ±6%, voltage variation, Harmonics.
(16) Geo-political issues : It related to the issues depending on the political concerns and their wiliness.
(17) Skilled human power : Availability of skilled human power depends upon various factors like location of power plant (rural or urban), salaries offered to the workers, transport system availability, facilities like market places, schools, colleges, hospitals, cinema theaters etc.
(18) Private participation : We should attract private power producers who are willing to invest in electricity sectors. We should offer them higher gains and facilities. In Maharashtra Reliance, Tata power, Mahagenco, BSES are now private entities working in electricity business.
(19) Profit - customers willingness to pay e.g. Enron, Reliance power plant.
(20) Tariff structure and types.